While you all we're busy starting off the school holidays with a sleep-in morning, my family and I were on our way to Penang. WOOT!

It's been 6 years since I've been to Penang. And when I was there I was like WOOOOAAAH!
The main objective of going there is to visit my uncle who is sick. Well, was sick at least. He's doing great. It's hilarious watching him slowly testing what food he CAN and CAN'T eat. He gets ice-cream all the time. THE CRAP??!! We also saw most of our Penang relatives. At least 3 of my dad's siblings live in Penang. WOAH!
So, this is what we did and saw there:

-took pictures of my poser sister

-took pictures of 'scary-if-you-saw-me-at-night-you-would-freak' road dummies.

-drove across Penang Bridge. WAH!!

-looked at the sea (note: we didn't go to the beach this time)

-paid our parking fees to a parking ticket guy man (I'm sure they've heard of parking metres)
-acted cute
-sister berposing with a rainbow in front of the hotel
-cam whore moment in the car
-makan-ed at Gurney Drive Hawker
-sister waiting for food
-makan rojak and fried oysters
-bersama relative
-mama and papa makaning
-sister playing with empty drink cups
-mama and sis cam whoring (without me T.T)
-started hawker hoping at curry mee hawker
-curry me with *animal* blood (That's just.....)
-the curry comes separately (odd)
-hop we went to the other hawker with AISKACANG! (I'll have that ice shaver one day)
-char kueh tiao and fried oyster!
-just a few shops down the road was the other char kueh tiao seller, RED HAIR NET LADY!
-visited the tau sar peah shop!
-road duckies!!!
And that pretty much summed up my Penang trip.
And 2 hours after i got back.....
I was of to Lake Edge Puchong!!!
For the sleepover at Jian's.
The moment I got there, they guys we're already playing basketball.
(Note: it was about 8.30 p.m. then)
After basketball, we all jumped into the pool nearby.
(Yet another note: some pictures shan't be posted due to obscenity)
-Ken's pool model pose (I think)
-In case the first one is not 'model-y' enough
-Shaun bersuperman over the pool
-Jian, The Ghost Rider (literally)
-As graceful as a Shaun
-As graceful as a Yuva.
-Ken's Mariah Carey Pose ( I WANTED TO DO!!!)
-Yuva's Mariah Carey Pose ( I WANT TO DO!!)
-Ken: There goes my pants. Eeeheee.
-Jay's putting on his pants. (Ken needed his pants for the previous photo)
-Jay and Yuva. I really had to censor this. (Take a wild guess on what they were doing.)
After the 'pool party' we decided to head back to Jian's place. We washed up and got down to serious business. Monopoly.
Like Jay said, you'll never want to play monopoly with the six of us.
Our monopoly game was reduced to what i would like to call....
'The Con man's Guide to Conning: Monopoly'
It was wicked sick and fun.
Paired up and the loser had to sleep on the corpse.
Yes, the corpse.
Our airless deflated sad excuse of a mattress that just oozed with rubbery odder.
The horror.
Finally, all of us couldn't take the stress of paying each other over 1000 bucks every time one of us landed on the opposing property. We then had pillow talk.
Ken, Jay, and Yuva on the bed.
Jian on the proper mattress.
Shaun on the comforter laid floor.
And me...on the corpse...UGH.
(It wasn't that bad. Apart from the uncomfortable rubber smell)
The next day, Jay left at about 7 while all of us were having nightmares about monopoly.
Loads of stuff still happened.
Jian spilled milk on me.
We played Kingdom Hearts 2.
We played frisbee.
And we build dams.
Do refer to the pictures here....
-what are the guys doing?
-AH! Building a dam
-Shaun picking up the flown away frisbee (I like this pic)
-candid Shaun. Gaya!
-My crocs! (No pics of myself. Sad)
-Yuva (trying to be manly)
-This was just random b'cuz i wanted a pic of myself =D
-When a Justin and a Yuva camwhores.
-Yuva's stuck under the bridge. Lol. Whatcha doing up there, Shaun?
-Another candid Shaun. This is soooo cool. (Was that Jian under the bridge?)
-It was! And now he's...stepping on the frisbee....right..
-FUYOH! Yuva seriously bergaya here.
-washing feet.
-Knock Knock. Here's Ken.
-The frisbee hit the neighboors window. DUCK!
-This happened thanks to my frisbee 'Skills'
And there you have it. Penang to Puchong summed up in a blog post.
My longest and most picturest post too.
WOOT! Mark this day down.
Too bad holidays are over. Sobz.
Thanks for listening.
Tune in again.
End of Track 28.
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