Case File No. 1105

My photo
Aliases: Handsome, Sexy, Macho, Hotstuff.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Track 20: Freedom


I would just like to express my love towards....
To all the Gundam junkies out there...ROCK ON!

I've got a Freedom. 1/100 Scale Model.
I think it has no grade.

Got it about 2 to 3 years back.
Suffered major damage over the years.
It's right arm has been bent the other way.
Yes, backwards.
Leaving the forearm still intact.
Don't ask how. Kids...

It's left wing broke as well.
It can't fly no more.
It just came off when I was trying to position it.
Just two days ago it's right leg broke off. SNAP!
The WHOLE leg.
No parts left intact unlike the arm.

It was a really sad sight.
So, I decided to make it look like it has gone through a tough battle or something.
That way, it wouldn't look pathetic.
With patience on my side and a 2B pencil in my hands and a lot of smudging....
The transformation was a success.

It was suppose to look like this....

Gundam Freedom!

Now...It looks like this...

Gundam Freedom! The Fallen Angel!

Other Pics...are like so....

Broken Wings!

Power Up! Into Space!

Light Shines Upon The Fallen
Standing Strong, Holding On
Strength to Carry On
One Handed
One Legged
Me Freedom!
I want the new Launcher Sword Strike Gundam!
But first...
I want Justice!
Then I can scene a senario where Justice whoops Freedom's A**
Christmas is just around the corner! *Hint Hint
Anyway, thats all for now.
Thanks for listening.
Tune in again.
CBCL me.
Signing out.
End of Track 20

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Track 19: Twilight


Yet another movie day yesterday with the gangs.
But this time we went to watch Twilight.
It was ok. Abit dissapointed.
I put my heart and soul into finishing the book.
And it turns out the movie wasn't as what I expected.
Expected to much. Geeheehee.

But to all the chicks in the cinema yesterday,
(*about 3/4 of the audience were chicks)
the movie was probably like watching Heaven.
You guys know what I mean.

Had lunch at Sakae Sushi with....
Ken, Jian, Yuva, Rach, Emily, Diane, and Paula.
Vive, Isaac, Farhan and Dahvina joined us for the movie.
Sorry, Farhan. Didn't get a ticket cuz no one mentioned you were coming.
Haha. Will make it up to you.

After the movie, we met up with Hou Ching.
And then hung out with me old school friends and some of their other friends.
Carmen, Daphne, Lai, Kok Tong, Kah Sim, Shauna and their other friends whose names I didn't get. Heehee.
Yune Lyn was there too.
Jian tagged along.
We also saw Ima! HI!

Then...lepak lepak lah.

So, as for the progress on me productivity,
Not too bad.
Reading a little bit. General Knowledge and stuff.

*Did you know that there are over 60,000 miles of Arteries, Veins and Cappilaries in an adult human body?

That's just freaking LONG!

As for the cleaning up of me room, well...
Let's just say I've put everything back to their original positions.
In a mess.
So, still got to work on that.

And yeah, I think December is gonna be benifitial for me.
Here I come ANGKOR WATT!

That's about it.
Thanks for listening.
Tune in again.
CBCL me.
Signing out.

End of Track 19

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Track 18: Productivity


What's been going on?
Nothing much.

It's the holidays and I'm wasting it.
Waking up.
Play some games. (both computer and PS2)
Wander about at home.
Read. (It's not that bad but...)

Yea. That's pretty much it.
There WAS the constant gym visits, (I did use the gym. Not just visiting)
AND the occasional 'Mum, Sis and I' outings.
AND the daily basketball games.
AND just recently a healthy struggle to finish reading Twilight before tomorrow.
AND it was a success I might add.

But, apart and despite all that,
I pretty much wasted loads of time.

I need to be productive.
I wanna learn something.
I wanna try something new.
I wanna...




Anything that can help me be productive.
Inspiration please!

I'm resulting to reading National Geographic Magazines.
It's not THAT bad
You know
The knowledge
And colourful pictures
Woo! LOOK! Amoeba!

I'm gonna start talking about freaking protozoa and stuff like that...
I don't wanna talk about protozoa...

Okay. Exaggerating.
But I could seriously seek some advice from anyone.
What do you guys do during the holidays?

I'll just leave it at that and call it a day.
I don't even know what to blog about.


Thanks for listening.
Tune in again.
CBCL me.
Signing out.

End of Track 18

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Track 17: Refresh


Don't click Refresh.
I've just given me blog a new look.
Whatddya think?

Colour is really refreshing.

Header is abit different.
Added an extra line.

Possition of stuff has been repossitioned.

Cbox is up-side down!

I need help to add a website counter in me blog.

Follow me blog too!
It's kinda sad that I'm following meself.

Over all, a pretty simple change.
Yet rather outstanding outlook.

And also let me know if I haven't linked you.
Like I posted before,
Deleted all me links by accident.
Cbox me your links.
Much appreciated.

That's all this time.
Thanks for listening.
Tune in again.
Signing out.

End of Track 17

Friday, November 21, 2008

Track 16: Back In Time


Went to Sunway today.
Met up with me old school fwens!
It was really cool.
Everyone looked different.
Everyone changed.

Had specs.
Noticed the braces too.
Teases me everytime we passed a certain type of shop in Sunway.
Had loads of fun chatting with her though.

Blue Eyes!
Still into online games, I think.
She currently looks...nice. =D
It was great to see her.
Really fun hanging out with her.

He grew freakking tall and thin man.
Probably the one who changed the most, to me.
He's one cool guy.

Toh Seng.
One word. RANDOM!
Surprisingly quite random at times.
Or maybe just found everything he said randomly funny.
Not chubby anymore. Haha.
Was glad to see him.
Me old buddy.

It was great seeing them again.
They changed so much.
Well, they say I looked different as well.
I guess even a pimple would be a huge difference among friends,
After not meeting up for about 6 years.
One thing that I can say was different about me today,
was my HEIGHT!
Was taller today.
Even Rushan agreed.
Ironicly, everyone knew it was me shoes.
Though, I did have me moments of glory being taller for the day.
All in all, it was a really great to see me old school friends.
Hope we'll meet again.
And not in another 6 years.
*Daphne's bright idea. Hahaha.

Thanks for listening.
Tune in again next time.
CBCL me.
Sigining out.

End of Track 16

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Track 15: Fine Tuning


Me is currently fine tuning me blog.
Cbox was gone for awhile.
It's back now.
As for the links, please give me awhile to update it.
Deleted it by accident.

I need money!
I need milk!
and I got new T-shirts and Shoes!

That's all for the simple update.
Me blog's turning into a journal! NO!
Must prevent that!

Thanks for listening.
Tune in again next time.
Signing out.

End of Track 15

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Track 14: Tags

Heylo peeps.

Here are the tags that I had to


Tag 1: From Shauna

Starting time: 8.29 p.m.

Name: Justin Wong Ping Shen

Sisters: One. She loves being high =D

Brothers: Wish I had one.

Shoe Size: 8-ish 9-ish 10-ish

Where do you live?: In my house.

Drink: Ice lemon tea. WOOT!

Breakfast: What's this breakfast you're talking about. Geeheehee. Jokes aside. I like Roti Telur Bawang!

Have you been on a plane?: Yeap.

Swam in the ocean?: Er. Does floating count?

Broke someone's heart?: Woo. No more Mr.Nice guy. Yea, I did.

Fallen asleep in school?: I think I fell asleep once. During exam. Ahaha.

Fell off your chair: Does missing the chair count?

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?:
Nope. No one calls me. Lol. That's so emo. Geheehee

Saved emails?: *delete delete... What email? Geeheehee

What is your room like?: AH! BETTLE!

What is the last thing you ate?: Pears


Chicken pox?: WAHAHAH! NO! WAHAHAH! IMMUNITY! but I got my jab. Geeheehee

Stiches?: I am greatful that I haven't got any. Praise and Thank the Lord.

Broken nose?: One nostril. Two nostrils. Nope. Nose is fine.

Do you believe in love at 1st sight?: Yeap. It's so romantic. Geeheehee

Like picnics?: Yea. But I can't remember the last time I went for one.

Who was the last person you dance with?:
Not to sure. I think it was with Ken. At Farhan's house.

Last person who made you a smile?: Mum.

Today, did you talk to someone you like?:
Hm. I like everybody. So, yea. Crush is a different story. Geeheehee

Kissed anyone?: Relatives count?

Get sick?: Do fevers, colds, and coughs count? *sarcastic

Talked to an ex?: Yea. Not exactly an ex. But I guess it counts.

Missing someone?: Nope. *heartless

Best feeling in the world?:
Er. I don't understand this question. The best feeling I've felt would be happyness. If the question means what is the best feeling in the world to me, I guess the answer would still be happyness.

Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: No. I'm a macho nacho man. *Hides teddy bear *Grin

What's under your bed?: RAWR! I just killed the dust bunnies. So, nothing but left over dust. Geeheehee

What time is now?: 8.46 p.m


Is there a person on your mind right now?: Yeap. Geeheehee

Do you want children?: Yes. I want my legacy to be brought forth through out the world. GO! REPRODUCE!

Do you smile often: 90% of the time. GEEHEEHEE =D

What colour shirt are you wearing?: Dark blue.

When did you last cry?: This year. Somewhere. But I'm still a macho nacho man.

Are you a friendly person?:
One needs to be humble when answering this. I'M THE FRIENDLIEST PERSON IN THE WORLD! WOOHOOOHOOO!

Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: Somewhere out there.

Do you eat healthy: *flex muscles. Do you think I eat healthy? *lifts up eyebrows

Do you still have pictures with you and your ex?: *Raids room. I FOUND IT! jokes aside. Yea.

Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: Nope. I'm a macho nacho man.

Are you confident: Yes. But not overly. Just enough to keep me going.

5 things i did ten years ago:

-watched power rangers

-played imaginary power rangers.

-draw power rangers

-played with power rangers toys

-got bored of power rangers

5 snacks i enjoy:


-green pea snacks




5 things i would do if i were a billionare:

-equip me and my family with the lastest and the greatest house hold items, appliances etc.

-do my part to help the world


-make more money


5 places i've lived in:



-USJ 2

-USJ 6

-SS 19

5 people that you tag:

- Jian

- Shaun

- Emily

- Julia

- Yuan Ping

Who is number 1? A spiky haird dude who has a great sense of humour, a Rockin' Drummer, has great taste and MY BEST FRIEND! WOOT!

Number 3 is having a relationship with? WAHAHAHAH! DICKSON BANG AH LOKE!

Say Something about number 5? She's a whacky crazy sister. WAHAHA!

How about number 4? An orang utan that disappears into elf fart. WAHAHAHA!

1. Who & what is your relationship with the last person who tagged you? She's my godsis.

2. Do you know what is true love? You see...when a boy meets a girl.....*mumbles mumbles mumbles.

3. Who did you recently hang out with in MSN? Jian, Nick, Callie and Julia

4. What is your relationship with them?

Jian (My bwest fwen)

Nick (My high partner)

Callie (My No.1 fan. So she says. Geeheehee)

Julia (The best orang utan that POOFS into elf fart anyone could have)

5. Who is your beloved pet sis?

"Ladies. At ease. There's enough love for a you all"

6. Who are you still in love with? *mumbles

7. Why do you create a blog? My fren all make so I make oso lor!!!!!11

8. You know your blog sucks? Er. Is this a question or a statement?

9. What do you like to eat? Food. No rocks. No leaves.

10. Who are you having relationships now? Everyone

11. ARRRGGhh I got nothing else 2 ask. Might I suggest asking questions?

12.Tags goes to:





-Yuan Ping

13. Who is number 1? Jian. obviously.

14. What about number 3? Emily. These are really slumber questions, number 13 and 14.

15. Does number 5 love number 1? If it happened, it'll be a hot buzz around school.

16. Nombor 2 siapa? Nombor 2 ialah Shaun.

17. Do you have any relationship with number 4? She's my outsmarter-rer.

Tag 2: From Ryan Yap
Rules & Regulations:Do not copy answers.The tag questions must be 100% the same.Tag people after doing tag.No tagging back.
1. Jian
2. Shaun
3. Emily
4. Diane
5. Julia
6. Isaac
7. Iqan
8. Farhan
9. Yuan Ping
10. Liesl
How you know 1?
Jian: My best buddy since standard 3. Geeheeheee
What would you do if you never meet 2?
Shaun: Hard question. But, I guess it'll be awfwuwee tewwible. Wouldn't it, Shaun? Geeheehee.
What would u do if 3&4 dated u?
Emily and Diane: All I'd know is that they have remarkably fantastic taste. Geeheehee.
Would 5&6 make a good couple?
Julia and Isaac: Fwuah! No comment-toh!
Do u think 7 is attractive?
Iqan: Most deffinately. *Wink
Do u know anything about 8’s family?
Farhan: Great cooks. Wahaha! It's in da Blood.
Tell me something about 9?
Yuan Ping: Budak ni har....Ahahaha. She's a good basketball marks woman. Geeheehee. I kalah.
What language does 2 speak?
Shaun: He speaks Shaunilingual.
Who is 3 going out with?
How old is 4?
Diane: Very old. WAHAHA!
When was the last time u talked to 5?
Julia: A few days ago. Remember watching Amazing Race Asia. Sorry Julia. Geeheehee.
Who is 6 favourite singer?
Isaac: I actually asked him when I was doing this. SLASH!
Would you date 7?
Iqan: Most deffinately. *Wink
Is 8 single?
Farhan: Are you? *Wink
What is 9 last name?
Yuan Ping: Ping. Lol.
Would you consider being in a relationship with 1?
Jian: Let me just state. He and I are straight.
Which school does 2 go to?
Shaun: Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Shaun.
What do you like about 3?
Emily: Don't wanna say anything. Nanti Dickson Marah. WAHAHA!
Tag 3: From Priyanka
1. How old are you?:
Very young. Me 15!
2. Are you single?:
Single and Available *Hint hint
3. In what age do you think you'll get married?:
That's what I'd like to know.
4. Do you think you'll be marrying the person you are with now?:
*Sister walks by No way.
5. If not, who do you want to marry?:
That's another thing I'd like to know.
6. Do you want a garden/beach wedding, or the traditional wedding?:
Garden/Beach is nice
7. Your ideal motif?:
It's spelled 'motive'. And, I guess it would be not wanting to be a disappointment.
8. Where do you plan to go on a honeymoon?:
We'll see after I get married.
9. How many guests do you think you'll invite?:
*Checks Handphone contacts Alot.
10. Do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?:
In between?
11. Do you want the tradition vows or something you'd make up on your own?:
12. How many layers of cake do you want to have?:
Ok, this is going abit too far.
13. Do you prefer having your reception at a hotel or at a simple place?:
14. When do you want to get married, evening or morning?:
I'm not even getting Married yet.
15. You'd rather have your reception outdoors or indoors?:
This tag wants me to get married.
16. Do you like a grand entrance for your bride?:
*Sarcastic I want no one to notice us.
17. Name the song/tune you'd like at your wedding?:
*Sarcastic Womanizer by Britney Spears
18. Do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?:
I don't want to answer anymore
19. What age do you want to get married?:
When the stars align. I dunno la!
20. Describe your ideal husband/wife?:
My ideal wife would be a perfect one.
21. Do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?:
Is this related?
22. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?:
Before. AHAHA!
23. Money or household item?:
Chocolate pwease.
24. Who will pay for the bills?:
25. Are you ready for married life?:
Shouldn't this question be given before everything els?
26. Will you always be true to your wife/husband?:
Yes, forever and ever and ever.
27. How many kids do you like?:
It's the process that I like. Lol. Joking. Not too many.
28. Will you celebrate silver wedding, gold wedding, or diamond wedding?:
Bronze. LOL.
29. What kind of cuisine would you like for you wedding?:
30. Will you record your honeymoon in a CD or DVD?:
31. I tag:
Simply only lah!
-Wei Qin
Tag 4: From Renee
Complete the tag below.
Tag 10 people.
Notify them intheir chatbox that they've been tagged.
Question Answer:

1.The last person to tag you is ??:
2. Your relationship with him/her?:
Friends. Lol.
3. Your 5 impression towards him/her?:
Woo! Wah! Wee! OH! MmHm!
4. The most memorable thing that he/she has ever done for you?:
Tagged me.
5. The most memorable words that he/she has say to you?:
6.If he/she become ur lover ,you will...:
Will let God decide. =D
7.If he/she becomes your enemy, you will...:
Tag her kao kao!
8. If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on...:
No comment-toh!
10. The most desirable things to do for him/her is...:
Being her friend?
11. Overall impression towards him/her is..:
12. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?:
13.The characters for you for yourself is?:
Banyak perangai!
14.On contrary, the characters you hate of yourself is?:
Not very sociable.
15 . The most ideal person you want to be is?:
Myself. Geeheehee.
16.For the person who cares and likes you, say something about them:
17 .Chocolate or ice-cream?:
18. 10 people to tag.
1. Jian
2. Yuan Ping
3. Shaun
4. Emily
5. Diane
6. Julia
7. Farhan
8. Isaac
9. Liesl
10. Callie
According to the person that you tag-
19. Who is number 2 having a relationship with?:
Who? I wanna know!
20. Is number 3 a male or a female?:
Lol. Shaun? Unknown.
21. If number 7 and 10 got together, would that be a good thing?:
No comment-toh!
22. How about number 5 and 8?:
No comment-toh!
23. What is number 1 studying about?:
Normal stuff!
24. When was the last time you had a chat with them?:
All of them? These past weeks.
25. Is number 4 single?:
26. Say something about number 2:
She's nice. Geeheehee
27. What do you think about number 3 and 6 being together?:
Not so surprised. LOL.
28. Describe number 9:
29. What will you do if number 6 and 7 fights?:
Be the referee.
I'm freaking glad I'm done with these. Have fun, all those I tagged. I could make do without
being tagged for awhile. There are probably some I missed, but next time lah!
Thanks for listening
Tune in again next time.
CBCL me.
Signing out.
End of Track 14

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Track 13: Yes, We Can

Heylo peeps.
Past few days have been cool.
Went to Summit to watch Madagascar 2.
Unexpectedly funny.

Also went to Subang Parade with mum and me sis.
Unexpectedly hilarious as well.
Mum and sis were high.
And I bought a cool new PS2 game, JackA**.
Based on a MTV reality show.
Stupidest game you could play.
Unexpectedly gigglelising. *is that a word?

And today. Today was a great Saturday.
Morning till now, my family and I have been high.
Laughing our heads off. Lol.
Tell you guys the lame jokes later.

Back to the main subject.
For the first time, this post is not totally based on my daily life.
As the tittle goes, 'Yes, we can' was a phrase by Barack Obama.
He's won the hearts of America and is now President of the United States of America.
It's kinda late, but, Congratulations Barack Obama. had released a song, on the 2nd of February 2008, based on that phrase.
I would like to share it with the world.
So, here it is.
Look out for the familiar faces.

This is Yes, We Can by
*it rhymes. WAHAHA!

Spotted the familiar faces? Weee!

YES WE CAN was bestowed an Emmy for Outstanding New Approaches
- Entertainment at the 35th Annual Daytime Creative Arts and Entertainment Emmy Awards Ceremony on June 13th 2008 at the Frederick P. Rose Hall at Lincoln Center in New York City.
(*note: this was copied from youtube. Geeheehee)

This song is really inspirational as it's lyrics bring meaning and life to all nations.
And, it's a really cool song. Mixing speech and music.

This is my first vid I posted since I was welcomed into Blogosphere.

So, that's all.
Still working on the tags.
Took me an hour just to finish one.
Imagine that.
Pity Nyk who has 6 tags to do.
Good luck with that.

Thanks for listening.
Tune in again.
Inspire and Be Inspired. (IBI)
CBCL me.
Sigining out.

End of Track 13

Monday, November 10, 2008

Track 12: Brief

heylo world.

I came to a conclusion. I'm one of the many people who are really slow at updating.

Always had the intention to blog.
Every important moment, every activity, every important thought.

But, Layzee McLazy the Lazy fairy shot me with his Lazy Razy Crazy Laze Plated Laze Embedded Laze-O-Matric 300X Version 2.3 Beta 89 Series Classic Custom Made.


What I meant was....
I was lazy la.

And after all the delay. I totally forgot what to blog about.

So, as the title of the post goes, I'm gonna make this brief.

SMK Seafield Form 3 Talent Time 2008

3 Categories: Solo, Duet and Group
I joined the Solo and Group category.

Group Name: Not Quite There
Group Members:
Emily (Guitar),Diane (Piano), Paula (Vocals), Li Jian (Drums), Kenneth (Keyboard) and Me (Vocals/ Guitar)
Song: Audition,Medley of 4 Songs. Take A Bow, No One, I'm Yours and Love Bug
Competition, Medley of 4 Songs. Imagine, Where is the Love, To be with you, One step at a time.
Practice: Loads of practice. But Fun.
Outcome: Great audition. Competition songs didn't go very well. Didn't win. But put on a pretty good show.

Solo Song: Mix of 3 Songs. The Man Who Can't Be Moved, With You and T-Shirt.
Practice: Last minute thing. Decided and put it together in one night and a day.
Outcome: Forgot me lyrics for both audition and competition. Lol. Didn't win but was glad I did an OK job.

There were many solo-ists: Nick Ng, Shauna, Marcus, and many more.
Winner: Shu Ying. Congrats. =D

As for duets: Shauna and Jun Wei, Marcus and Jun Wei, Nick Ng and Choong Hao and many more
Winners: Mardheanna and Roshni. I LOVE THE PERFORMANCE. Soo cool.

Lastly, there was only one other group: FootLoose
Winners: Er...FootLoose! Great Dancing. Loved the cool moves.

Emcee's: Yuan Ping and Isaac. You guys were giler funny and awesome. Great distractions and lame jokes. Lol.

SMK Seafield Prefect Camp 2008

Conducted in: Cameron Highlands.
Conducted by: UNCLE LIM! WOOT!
Teachers: Puan Ung and Puan Viani
Bus Driver: Mr. Mus!
Participants: Form 3, Form 4 and Form 6 Prefects.
Activities: Character Building Sessions, Amazing Race!, Hang Kai-ing and Park visiting.

End Of School 2008

Well, it is for us form 3's
PMR year passed really quickly.
Who would have know that studying your a** off could fast foward life?
And whaddya know. It's the Holidays.
School's been a blast this year.
Met loads of new peeps this year.
I remember complaining that morning session is gonna be hard for me to adept.
And I also remember complaining that it's gonna be a LONG year due to wacky class mates (in a good way)
What was a year ago seemed like only last week.
It's been a great Form 3 year.
Hoping to see everyone again next year
Looking forward to the D*&^ F%$^&*! Hard subjects next year. WAHOO!

Photos will be posted later.

And now for a 'currently' update.

-too lazy to do tags.
-listening to Miss Independent
-urging to play God Of War 2
-feeling the burning sensation of the cuts I got from basketball today.
-thinking of reading, but too lazy.
-wants to go out and LEPAK!
-wants to be more productive
-has a painful pimple.
-nodding to the beat of Miss Independent
-has an ulcer
-has a dry throat
-like the word yang wa wa
-accidentally burst my pimple.
-scratching under neck.
-listening to Ryan Cabrera.
-rubbing eye.
-considering reading.
-has no one to chat to.
-scratching arm.
-yawning again.
-doesn't want to read anymore.
-had a random thought: Mariah Carrey
-pimple is bleeding
-wants to sleep.

So, that's all this time peeps.
Will update soon.
I apologise for not doing the tags or updating more frequently or updating about things other than daily activities.
Will improve all that was mentioned.
Thanks for listening.
Tune in again.
Signing out.

End of Track 12

Monday, November 3, 2008

Track 11: Ice Kachang Song!






End of Track 11