Case File No. 1105

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Aliases: Handsome, Sexy, Macho, Hotstuff.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Track 34: 5 Seconds of Free Thinking

Yellow to the world.
There's been to many July babehz.
So, a general wish you all you peeps who're a year older
Happy Birthday!

It's funny,
Funny that every few seconds of freedom,
Freedom for your personal thoughts,
Thoughts of life lessons,
Life lessons that make you all the more mature.

I've just grown to be more appreciative.
I can't have everything.
I can't make everyone happy.
Guess I've just got to take things as they go.
It's either I achieve or I don't.
Happens or doesn't.
Who cares, lah!

This update is a dedication.
Dedication to my daily 5 Seconds of free thinking.
I don't blog enough.

Thanks for listening.
Tune in again.
End of Track 34.

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