Case File No. 1105

My photo
Aliases: Handsome, Sexy, Macho, Hotstuff.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Track 2: Fixing it Up

Heylo heylo.

Well, second post. And it's getting juicier...well...kind of... :D

So, today....was a pain...

From about 11.00 a.m to about....i don't know....3.oo p.m.

I, the little newbie at blogging, was trying to set a new layout...
Error after error after error...
One by one kept appearing...
And I was like...

"EEESH, is it that hard....the others don't have problems, and i've done this on friendster tons of times..."

Well, it wasn't a full 4 hours at it....
Had lunch...
Did some work....
But still....
This change of look for this baby isn't that easy..
No wonder blogging's fun...

Then i asked around...
Some certain someone wanted to help by passing my i.d....
Wasn't willing....
And i was like..."No way Hoooo SAY.....back of sistah!"
Well, not exactly...but you get my point...

Then i asked another certain some one...who happens to be quite the blogger....for help...
"Change to classic first...and yadayadayada..."
I did so...
And it worked...
I was like...
"What the *&^^$%#$@#!@21#@!$#%^&$&*%^(*"
*note. None of the previous swearing is true...

But then...i decided that the skins i wanted to use...had to be edited suit

Qualifications. CHEH WAH!

So...i ended up with this simple orange skin you see before you....and it so happens to be a similar skin a certain someone is currently using....except it's green....

*wink wink hint hint.

And i learnt how to get a cbox...and how to add links...
Really much tougher than i expected...

Like i wonder blogging is fun... :D :D

Also spent some time....with msn games...with a certain someone....
Won...most of the time..
I am the Source of Joy! Puh-Fleas!


And went for tuition...
Came to know that....
The tuition centre...
Is known for...

Flying Chairs and Storms of Swears...

* means what it's called...

And came to know that a certain someone does stunts in pyramid. SO COOL AND SO YENG! Will tag along soon! I'll log roll.


So yea...that's pretty much it...
Pretty cool eh...hee hee hee...yea...

So, currently..i'm trying to put up some songs and vids...

And i'm gonna work on links...
Let me know if you want to be linked...must ask permission first...

*little baby voice: Mummy say wan...

:D :D

Now this is gonna be abit personal..
*You say it's ok. I hope. Yet it doesn't seem like it. Wrong decision?

enought of that...

Oh, and had a lot of spelling trouble today, certain someones would know.

So yea, thats about it....
So, lights out...
Thanks for listening..
Tune in again soon...

Comment, Cbox and Link me. (CCL.ME)

p.s: the certain someones are all diff people... *Grin.. *you know who you are. MUAHAHA!

End of Track 2

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